The fun
way to boost
good habits
What we do regularly, shapes the company culture
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What is your goal?
Fauna can help promote any habit
Goal example
Walk to
Goal example
Reuse assets
Goal example
Use public transport
Goal example
Use sharing
Goal example
Eat more plant based
a lot more...
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Challenge your team
Employees try new ways of doing things, and share inspirational photos to earn points for their team.
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Measure the effect
Using a pre- and post-survey, you will get measurable results on the impact of the challenge, and how habits have changed.
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Promote the change
Fauna is a visual platform, giving you access to tons of great photos to be shared internally and externally.
The science
behind it all
The Fauna method is based on behavioural science, and uses tried and true methods such nudging, social role models and gamification
Fauna is the
fun way to boost
good habits
Want to know more? Simply book a demo.
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