Earn points

When you need something, you can shop here to earn Fauna points.

Our requirements for partners in Fauna:

  • Their products and services are a more sustainable choice
  • All claims must be substantiated by research
  • Must clearly communicate that they are sustainable
Logo for Agent M

Agent M

Cover image for Agent M

Zero plastics equipment

If you want to live a more sustainable life, Agent M offers a wide range of useful products. You will find alternatives to single-use plastics, and a lot more, in high quality.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for AllMatters


Cover image for AllMatters

Organic menstrual cup

AllMatters is an award-winning menstrual cup, replacing pads and tampons. Easier, helathier and greener.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Sustainable raw materials

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Sustainability filtering
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Bilkollektivet


Cover image for Bilkollektivet

Car rental when you need it

The car collective gives you access to a car when you need it, so you do not have to own your own.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Public transport
⚪️ Low impact transport
⚪️ Low impact products

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair additional service

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Chargo


Cover image for Chargo

Charge your cellphone on the go

Being a network of charging stations, Chargo makes charging on the go easy and accessible. You can rent emergency chargers and powerbanks throughout the Nordic region.

Why it's more sustainable

With Chargo, we can rent chargers and powerbanks when we need it, instead of everyone having their own. This way, we utilize the capacity of each product, and the emissions associated with production are reduced.

Main criteria
✅ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Do It Yourself
⚪️ Products for life
⚪️ Minimal waste

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Grønt Punkt
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Corkini


Cover image for Corkini

Bags & shoes

Corkini has a rich selection of handmade purses, backpacks, and other equipment of high quality, ethically produced in Portugal. These are made from 100 % natural and renewable cork, without toxic chemicals.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Dyrket


Cover image for Dyrket

Food delivery from the farmer

Dyrket is the farmer's online marketplace. They connect local producers and buyers in the Oslo area - and take care of the delivery. In addition to food, Dyrket also offer household items within cleaning, kitchenware and hygiene.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Local Produce
⚪️ Foodbox
⚪️ Organic
⚪️ Food waste, main concept
⚪️ Low Impact Products
⚪️ No meat, main concept

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Groceries to doorstep
⚪️ Food waste reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Elife


Cover image for Elife

Electric bikes

Elife delivers electric bikes of quality and comfort. They can tailor a bike that suits your needs, while also assisting with good follow-up and thorough training according to your wishes.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Public transport
✅ Low impact transport
⚪️ Low impact products

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
✅ Repair additional service

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Forny


Cover image for Forny

Repairmen who repair most things

Forny (renew) is the digital platform that gathers repairing expertise. If you want to get something repaired, you'll most likely find the help you need. The garment, the shoe or whatever it may be, is fixed quickly, easily and at a fixed price.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Low impact products
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
✅ Repair, main service
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Green Spirit

Green Spirit

Cover image for Green Spirit

Organic beauty and well-being

Green Spirit is an online store with a large selection of beauty and wellness products.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Sustainable raw materials

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Sustainability filtering
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Grønt Skift

Grønt Skift

Cover image for Grønt Skift

Eco certified quality clothing

Grønt Skift is Norway's largest supplier of ethical and organic clothing for the whole family.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
✅ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Indo Naturals

Indo Naturals

Cover image for Indo Naturals

Soaps for you and your house

At Indo Naturals you get shower gel, shampoo, facial cleanser and cleaning products for the kitchen.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Leid


Cover image for Leid

Rent utilities online

At Leid you can rent tools online and pick them up when it suits you. They have departments in Sarpsborg, Halden and Fredrikstad.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Low impact products
✅ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Marina Miracle

Marina Miracle

Cover image for Marina Miracle

Organic skin care

Marina Miracle offers natural and organic skin care produced in Norway.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Sustainable raw materials

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Sustainability filtering
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Miss Organic

Miss Organic

Cover image for Miss Organic

Vegan cosmetics and wellness

Miss Organic has Norway's largest selection of organic and vegan cosmetics, skin care and wellness products.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Sustainable raw materials

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Sustainability filtering
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for New Movements

New Movements

Cover image for New Movements

Circular shoes

New Movements offers tailor-made shoes for a circular lifestyle, literally. All parts of the shoe are recyclable, and you get a 20% discount on the next purchase when handing in a worn pair.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Otovo


Cover image for Otovo

Save money with solar cells

Otovo makes it easy to produce locally and green energy on your own roof. They assist you in the entire process, from planning to installation, and use technology to investigate the potential of your particular roof.

Since 2016, they have sold and completed thousands of solar cell projects across Europe.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ No profit on energy consumption
✅ Only renewable energy

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
✅ Offer renewable energy
✅ Let you sell your produced energy
⚪️ Smart solutions for energy saving

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Palett


Cover image for Palett

Healthy & delicious fast food

By making healthy, sustainable and delicious fast food easily accessible, Palett wants to help people make better food choices.

In order to earn Fauna points, you'll have to buy directly from Palett. Purchases through Foodora, Wolt or a similar service, will not be tracked.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Local Produce
⚪️ Organic
⚪️ No meat, main concept
⚪️ Reduce food waste, main concept
✅ Ghost kitchen

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Food waste reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Parkdressen


Cover image for Parkdressen

Rental of coveralls for children

Instead of buying a new one each season; rent. The fit makes it easy for children to run, jump and climb, and the material is extra durable.

Why it's more sustainable

Kids are growing fast, barely having time to use their clothes before each piece is too small. Here, the garment is sold as a service instead of a product.

According to the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, we'll save 20-30% of emissions in the categories of waste, water use and CO2, if we extend the life of a textile product by nine months. With this in mind, it's nice to know that these parka suits last for a full 48 months.

And the best part: If our children grow up renting rather than owning, we hope that it creates good habits for more sustainable consumption.

Main criteria
✅ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Low impact product

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Ravina


Cover image for Ravina

Buy and sell clothes in Bergen

Buy and sell clothes at pop up markets in Bergen.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
✅ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Release


Cover image for Release

Used, quality-assured cell phones

Release fixes nicely used phones that you can buy or rent. They also have mobile subscriptions.

Why it's more sustainable

When you choose a used cell phone instead of a new one, you save the climate from unnecessary production.

Main criteria
✅ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Do It Yourself
⚪️ Products for life
⚪️ Minimal waste

Additional criteria
✅ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Grønt Punkt

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Romeo & Julie

Romeo & Julie

Cover image for Romeo & Julie

Products for pets

Romeo & Julie offers environmentally friendly animal products for you and your fury friend.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Do it yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Sirqel


Cover image for Sirqel

Bike rental service

Rent a bike for yourself or your kids.

SIRQEL offers a subscription service for electrical bikes and bikes for kids. Subscribing gives you what you need when you need it and contributes to better utilization of the products.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Public transport
✅ Low impact transport
⚪️ Low impact products

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair additional service

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Stitch N Stones

Stitch N Stones

Cover image for Stitch N Stones


Stitch N Stones is a Swedish duo that makes handmade caps, hats, children's clothes, bags, and other accessories from recycled materials.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
✅ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Tibber


Cover image for Tibber

Smarter power consumption

The greenest power is the one you don't use. Therefore, Tibber helps you lower your consumption.

The Tibber app helps you monitor and control your power consumption through smart technology.

Tibber customers have reduced their electricity bill by up to 20%. Tibber also has transparency in where the power originates.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ No profit on energy consumption
⚪️ Only renewable energy

Additional criteria
✅ Sustainability reporting
✅ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
✅ Offer renewable energy
✅ Let you sell your produced energy
✅ Smart solutions for energy saving

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Vibrent


Cover image for Vibrent

Rent quality clothes


Rent quality clothes for all occasions from 300+ brands.

Simple, affordable and safe. Dry cleaning, wear and tear and shipping/return is included in the price. If an item doesn't fit, or if you're not satisfied, you'll get your money back with their 100 % satisfaction guarantee.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
✅ Rental, main service
⚪️ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ

Logo for Vintage Wear

Vintage Wear

Cover image for Vintage Wear

Vintage treasures in Oslo

The people behind Vintage Wear have a passion for vintage clothing and reuse. In their shops you will find sunglasses and clothes in casual street wear style.

Why it's more sustainable

Main criteria
⚪️ Rental, main service
✅ Second hand, main service
⚪️ Repair, main service
⚪️ Low impact products
⚪️ Do It Yourself

Additional criteria
⚪️ Sustainability reporting
⚪️ CO2 emission reporting
⚪️ Miljøfyrtårn
⚪️ Rental, additional service
⚪️ Second hand, additional service
⚪️ Repair, additional service
⚪️ Repair for free
⚪️ Sustainability filtering

Criteria FAQ